Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

Let's Learn about E-trading

What is E-trading? Well, I should not ask this question because you will not open this article if you already know about it. Let’s just go to the point. Actually, E-trading is abbreviation of Electronic–trading. E-trading is a trade happens by using electronic tools. In our mind, electronic tool can be anything like a mobile phone, a notebook or a computer. However E-trading is used specially for a trade in internet by using notebook and computer. If you use mobile phone for a trade, it will be called as m-trading.
When and where?
E-trading can be used by everyone in everywhere and every time as long as there is computer or notebook. Of course, internet connection is needed for doing the trade. It is impossible to trade without internet connection even though you have computer or notebook.
E-trading mostly happens when someone wants to invest in stock share, gold and land.
It will be easier for them to use E-trading for these investments rather than face to face with the buyer or seller. Another reason is a trader can easily check and compare the price of stock share, gold and land from every seller.
For doing E-trading, you must have an account in Bank for transferring and receiving money. Second step is the trader needs an internet connection to create an account in online world. That account is must because E-trading is a trade using money so if you do not want to lose your money, you should make an account in E-trading web trusted. Those webs E-trading will offer you many features that can help you to do your tread so you do not need to worry.
Choose wisely so you will not regret it” –hm

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